品牌 货号 产品名称 geba D060-50-100 100 X Maxi GeBAflex-tube, 50 kDa MWCO, 2 ml cap displace, Floating rack, Handbook geba T010 10 X Midi GeBAflex-tube, 3.5 kDa MWCO, floating rack, electroelution MIDI supporting tray, TCA 8ml & MS 1ml solutions for protein precipitation, handbook geba T070 10 X Mini GeBAflex-tube, 8 kDa MWCO, floating rack, electroelution MINI supporting tray, TCA 2ml & MS 1ml solutions for protein precipitation, handbook geba T030 10 X Maxi GeBAflex-tube, 3.5 kDa MWCO, floating rack, electroelution MAXI supporting tray, TCA 30ml & MS 4ml solutions for protein precipitation, handbook geba SB010 SeeBand, 500 ml, protein staining solution (extraction grade) geba CSB010 100 ml Concentrated SeeBand and 165 ml Enhancing Buffer geba SB011 SeeBand, 2x30 ml, protein staining solution (extraction grade)(SAMPLE) geba SB020 SeeBand Forte, protein staining solution (analytical grade), 500 ml geba CSB020 500 ml Concentrated SeeBand Forte and 387.5 ml Enhancing Buffer geba SB021 SeeBand Forte, 60 ml, protein staining solution (analytical grade)(SAMPLE) geba SB030 SeeBand Extrime, protein staining solution (analytical grade), 500 ml geba SB031 SeeBand Extrime, 60 ml, protein staining solution (analytical grade) geba SB040 Membrane SeeBand, 100 ml geba SB041 Membrane SeeBand, 15 ml (SAMPLE) geba SB050 Fast SeeBand, singel step protein staining solution, 500 ml geba SB051 Fast SeeBand, singel step protein staining solution, 60 ml (SAMPLE) geba ST010 500 ml of Antibody Stripping Buffer geba ST013 30 ml of Antibody Stripping Buffer (SAMPLE) geba CST010 500 ml Antibody Stripping Buffer, 5X concentrated geba GRB 10X concentrated Running Buffer for native protein separation, 500 ml geba GRBS 10X concentrated Running Buffer for denatured protein separation, 500 ml geba GSB-1 1 ml of 3X Sample buffer for preparation and loading of protein samples onto a gel for SDS-PAGE geba GSB-15 15 ml of 3X Sample buffer for preparation and loading of protein samples onto a gel for SDS-PAGE geba GSB-30 30 ml of 3X Sample buffer for preparation and loading of protein samples onto a gel for SDS-PAGE geba GSB-30X5 30 ml of 5X Sample buffer for preparation and loading of protein samples onto a gel for SDS-PAGE geba C010 500 ml of Crack-Free solution X4 geba C013 30 ml of Crack-Free solution X4 geba C020 500 ml of Crack-Free solution X1 geba C023 30 ml of Crack-Free solution X1 geba IB-60 60 ml of InstantBlock solution geba IB-500 500 ml of InstantBlock solution geba CB-60 Detection Reagents A and B, 30 ml each, good for 600 cm2 membrane geba CB-120 Detection Reagents A and B, 60 ml each, good for 1200 cm2 membrane geba CB-250 Detection Reagents A and B, 125 ml each, good for 2500 cm2 membrane geba CFS X25 500 ml 25X concentarted Crack Free solution geba T001 Supporting tray for 1-4 Midi GeBAflex-tube(s), 1 unit geba T005 Supporting tray for 1-4 Mini GeBAflex-tube(s), 1 unit geba T007 Supporting tray for 1-3 Maxi GeBAflex-tube(s), 1 unit geba T006 Floating rack for 1-9 Mini GeBAflex-tube(s), 1 unit geba T002 Floating rack for 1-4 Midi GeBAflex-tube(s), 1 unit geba T008 Floating rack for 1-7 Maxi GeBAflex-tube(s), 1 unit geba D080-FR 1 X Floating rack for 1 Mega GeBAflex-tube geba D080-/10-1 1 X Mega 10 ml cap displace geba D080-/15-1 1 X Mega 15 ml cap displace geba D080-/20-1 1 X Mega 20 ml cap displace geba TCA2 20% TCA sufficient for 8 Mini , 2 Midi geba TCA10 20% TCA sufficient for 40 Mini, 14 Midi, 3 Maxi geba TCA30 20% TCA sufficient for 120 Mini, 42 Midi, 10 Maxi geba TCA60 20% TCA sufficient for 240 Mini, 85 Midi, 20 Maxi geba MS2 MS Solution sufficient for 80 Mini, 28 Midi, 6 Maxi geba MS10 MS Solution sufficient for 400 Mini, 142 Midi, 33 Maxi geba MS30 MS Solution sufficient for 1200 Mini, 428 Midi, 100 Maxi geba KAc2 3M Kac sufficient for 80 Mini, 28 Midi, 6 Maxi geba KAc10 3M Kac sufficient for 400 Mini, 142 Midi, 33 Maxi geba KAc30 3M Kac sufficient for 1200 Mini, 428 Midi, 100 Maxi