HyServe是位于德国的微生物相关检测公司,为世界各地的客户提供具创新性的检测水、食品、化妆品、原料和表面污染的程序。HyServe借助Lumitester Smart的专利技术,可以以最高的灵敏度检查ATP+ADP+AMP的卫生状态。

货号 | 名称 | 价格 |
1902653 | Lumitester Smart | 33296.2 |

货号 | 名称 | 价格 |
1702671 | LuciPac A3 Surface | 5950 |

货号 | 名称 | 价格 |
1702672 | LuciPac A3 Water | 5950 |

货号 | 名称 | 价格 |
1002671 | Lucipac Pen | 6188 |

货号 | 名称 | 价格 |
1061983 | Easy Plate SA | 3094 |

货号 | 名称 | 价格 |
1000100 | Listeria Swab | 2594.2 |

货号 | 名称 | 价格 |
2060355 | LuciSwab ES for endoscope 2.0-2.2 | 6878.2 |
HyServe 产品列表
Microbial Testing
货号 | 名称 | 规格 | 产品描述 |
1002970 | Compact Dry BC | 40 pcs | The »ready-to-use« Compact Dry X-BC plate from HyServe combines the properties of chromogenic dry media and gel contact plates. It is used for the quantitative detection of Bacillus cereus in food samples. The bacterium Bacillus cereus produces grampositive spores and is commonly found in soil and water. Therefore, it enters the food processing chain relatively easily. Bacillus cereus can contaminate foods; furthermore, its emetic and diarrhoeagenic enterotoxins cause vomiting and diarrhoea after consumption. Routine testing procedures for Bacillus cereus are thus recommended. A simple and certified method for this is: Compact Dry X-BC. After applying the sample (1 ml), the dehydrated Compact Dry X-BC plate becomes gel-like. The sample self diffuses evenly. Further steps, for example manual spreading, are not required. Compact Dry X-BC has been validated to ISO 16140 against the reference method (EN ISO 7932:2004) for the detection of Bacillus cereus. Compact Dry X-BC is also MicroVal (No. 2011-LR41) and NordVal (No. 045) approved. The ready-to-use plate can therefore be routinely applied by certified users. |
1002971 | Compact Dry BC | 240 pcs | |
1402971 | Compact Dry BC | 500 pcs | |
1502991 | Compact Dry BC | 1400 pcs | |
1002950 | Compact Dry AQ | 40 pcs | Compact Dry AQ is a ready to use, rehydrated plate with indicator for the detection and enumeration of heterotrophic bacteria in water. The »ready-to-use« Compact Dry AQ plate from HyServe combines the properties of chromogenic dry media and gel contact plates. The plate contains a nutrient-poor medium for determining the colony count of heterotrophic organisms in treated drinking water and ultra-pure water. Compact Dry AQ offers a culture medium for bacteria which have become adapted to extremely nutrient-poor conditions in particular. Compact Dry AQ enables the very simple cultivation of heterotrophic bacteria from drinking water samples. |
1002951 | Compact Dry AQ | 240 pcs | |
1402951 | Compact Dry AQ | 500 pcs | |
1502992 | Compact Dry AQ | 1400 pcs | |
1000899 | Compact Dry LS | 40 pcs | Compact Dry LS is a simplified medium to identify Listeria spp. by the combination of selective agents and chromogenic substrates. Due to the chromogenic substances it contains, Listeria grow as blue colonies with a diameter of 1 – 2 mm. Listeria monocytogenes are considered to be the main cause of food poisoning. Compact Dry LS can be used to test any food, water and beverage to ensure food safety. |
1001013 | Compact Dry LS | 240 pcs | |
1401013 | Compact Dry LS | 500 pcs | |
1502885 | Compact Dry LS | 1400 pcs | |
1002947 | Compact Dry PA | 40 pcs | Compact Dry PA ist ein Standard-Nähragar enthaltendes Medium zum Nachweis der Gattung Pseudomonas aeruginosa. Aufgrund des Redox-Indikators Tetrazolium-Salz weisen die Bakterienkolonien eine rote Färbung auf. Eine Unterscheidung von anderen Pseudomonaden erfolgt durch Ausbildung eines gefärbten Hofes um die Kolonie herum. |
1002948 | Compact Dry PA | 240 pcs | |
1002949 | Compact Dry PA | 500 pcs | |
1502949 | Compact Dry PA | 1400 pcs | |
1800899 | Compact Dry LM | 40 pcs | Compact Dry LM is a ready-to-use, chromogenic plate for enumeration and detection of Listeria monocytogenes. A characteristic coloration on the medium of the Compact Dry Plate distinguishes colonies of Listeria monocytogenes from other Listeria species. These are pathogenic microorganism of the Listeria genus. They pose a particular risk to immunocompromised people. Listeria monocytogenes can survive at low refrigeration temperatures. |
1801013 | Compact Dry LM | 240 pcs | |
1801014 | Compact Dry LM | 500 pcs | |
1802885 | Compact Dry LM | 1400 pcs | |
1600869 | Compact Dry YMR | 40 pcs | With Compact Dry YMR yeasts and mould can be differentiated by colour development. The medium contains the chromogenic enzyme substrate X-Phos which turns blue with many yeasts. Moulds form fluffy colonies with a characteristic colour. Antibiotics inhibit the growth of bacteria. The Compact Dry YM allows a very good 3-dimension growth of yeast and mould. Compact Dry YM is AOAC submitted |
1600870 | Compact Dry YMR | 240 pcs | |
1600871 | Compact Dry YMR | 500 pcs | |
1602882 | Compact Dry YMR | 1400 pcs | |
1005441 | FM Agar, Modified | 1 x 100g | Compact Dry X-SA is a simple and safe test method to detect and quantify Staphylococcus aureus. These are spherical bacterium typically found arranged in clusters under the microscope. Its potential pathogenicity comes from its the ability to form enterotoxins (SET), which accumulate in the food when contaminated and cannot be completely inactivated even by heat treatment. Food contamination with S. aureus almost always comes from humans (hand, sneezing, coughing). S. aureus is therefore also considered an indicator of inadequate personal hygiene |
1005801 | Lactobacilli Inoculum Broth | 1 x 100 g | This medium for vitamin quantification is used to produce Lactobacilli inoculum solution |
1000227 | EC Blue 100P, for 100 mL X 100 pouches | EC Blue 100 ist ein schnelles und zuverlässiges Testverfahren zur qualitativen und quantitativen Bestimmung von Coliformen und E.coli in Wasser. Geben Sie die zu testende Wasserprobe in einen fertigen, sterilen, nicht fluoreszierenden EC Blue 100 Behälter. Anschließend wird die Mischung bei 35 ±2 °C inkubiert. Das Medium muss nicht weiter aufbereitet werden, was bedeutet, dass der Test überall ohne großen Aufwand durchgeführt werden kann. Herkömmliche Inkubationsmethoden benötigen etwa drei Tage für den Nachweis von Coliformen oder E.coli. EC Blue hingegen liefert bereits nach 24 Stunden zuverlässige Testergebnisse. Der Nachweis basiert auf einer Farbreaktion und ist daher leicht zu interpretieren: Sind coliforme Bakterien vorhanden, färbt sich das Wasser ,durch die Spaltung des chromogenen Substrats X-Gal, blau. Bei einer fäkalen Verunreinigung durch E.coli können diese Bakterien nur unter UV-Licht (Reaktion mit einem Fluoreszenzfarbstoff) eindeutig nachgewiesen werden. Schwebstoffe, trübe, gelbliche oder chlorierte Wasserproben stören den Nachweis im Allgemeinen nicht. EC Blue ist bei Raumtemperatur und vor Licht geschützt bis zu zwei Jahre haltbar. | |
1000230 | EC Blue 100 for 100 mL X 80 bottles | EC Blue 100 is a simple, quick and reliable test method for the qualitative and quantitative determination of coliforms and E.coli in water. Add water to be tested into a pre-prepared, sterile, non-fluorescent EC Blue 100 container. Then incubate the mixture at 35 ±2 °C. The medium does not require further preparation work. This means that the test can be carried out anywhere without much effort. Traditional incubating methods require about three days for the detection of coliforms or E.coli. ECBlue, on the other hand, already provides reliable test results after 24 hours. The detection is based on a colour reaction and is thus easy to interpret: if coliform bacteria are present, the water turns blue due to the cleavage of the chromogenic substrate X-Gal. In the event of faecal contamination by E.coli, these bacteria can only be conclusively detected under UV light (reaction with a fluorescent dye). Suspended matter, cloudy, yellowish or chlorinated water samples do not generally interfere with detection. EC Blue has a shelf life of up to two years at room temperature if protected from light. | |
1061980 | Easy Plate AC | 1x 100 plates/pack | |
1005433 | GAM Broth, Modified (Gifu Anaerobic Medium Broth, Modified) | 1*100g | The composition of the medium is exactly same as GAM Agar, Modified excluding agar. The medium is liquid and used for isolation and cultivation of anaerobic bacteria from clinical specimens. The medium is also used for susceptibility tests other than sulfa drugs, in particular for the micro liquid dilution method of anaerobic bacteria. |
1005422 | GAM Broth (Gifu Anaerobic Medium Broth) | 1 x 300 g | |
1005420 | GAM Agar | 1 x 300g | |
1000048 | Incubox Thermocult | 1x Incubox Thermocult | The Incubator HyServe “Hycubate” is an affordable incubator with a very small footprint for small labs. |
1005426 | GAM Agar, Modified | 1 x 300 g | This is a modified medium of GAM Agar that is to isolate and culture anaerobic bacteria from clinical specimens. The medium is also used for susceptibility tests other than sulfa drugs. |
2200001 | Promedia Swab, 10ml | 40 pcs | The Swab System is designed for sampling on surfaces in the production environment. It consists of a sterile swab in a tube with 10 ml sterile PBS buffer for sampling, transport, and subsequent quantitative detection of present microorganisms in combination with Compact Dry and Easy Plate culture medium plates. Using the swab stick, a surface is sampled. This sample is homogenously mixed in the buffer medium by vigorously shaking the tube. Subsequently, 1ml of the liquid is transferred onto a culture plate using the outlet at the bottom of the tube. The inoculated culture plates are incubated according to their specification and evaluated by counting the number of specific colonies. |
2200002 | Promedia Swab, 10ml | 400 pcs | |
1005629 | TGC Medium without Indicator | 1 x 300 g | |
1005440 | Bacteroides Agar | 1 x 100g | Bacteroides Agar medium is used for differentiation and isolation of Fusobacterium and Bacteroides. The medium can identify Bacteroides from the organisms that are isolated from clinical specimens and confirmed to be asporogenic gram-negative bacilli of obligate anaerobes. |
1005430 | BL Agar | 1 x 300g | BL Agar medium is used for isolation of anaerobes and differentiation of Bifidobacterium. Bifidobacterium generally forms smooth and brown or dark brown colonies. Some enteric bacteria form red colonies. |
1005409 | Clostridia Count Agar | 1 x 300 g | |
1005901 | Eagle’s Modified Essential Medium | 1 x 100 g | Eagle’s MEM is a powdered medium prepared according to prescription published by Harry Eagle in 1959. Up to now, such media were not autoclavable because of decomposition or deterioration of the constituents, so that sterilization was performed by filtration using a membrane filter. This medium is specially manufactured so that constituents of the medium and growth of cells with this medium are not impaired. |
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