【Yeastern】miRNA Isolation Kit 2.0

【Yeastern】miRNA Isolation Kit 2.0

miRNA Isolation Kit 2.0

FYG309-050 (50 preps)

RBC Lysis Buffer 120 ml
RT Buffer 15 ml
NR Buffer 30 ml
70% Ethanol 9 ml
RW2 Buffer 25 ml
RNase free water 10 ml
RS Column (Yellow Ring) 50 pcs
miR Column (Blue Ring) 50 pcs
Collection Tube 100 pcs


The miRNA Isolation Kit 2.0 is designed for purifying micro RNAs (miRNAs) and other small cellular RNAs from whole blood, cultured cells, bacteria (Gram +/-), fungus cells and tissue. Standard protocols for isolating total RNA and mRNA are not optimized for isolation of small RNA molecules and result in the loss of substantial amounts of miRNAs and other small RNA. In addition, removal of the predominantly lager RNAs is required for accurate analysis of miRNA expression by qPCR or microarray analysis. This kit ensures purification of small RNA with minimal contamination from large RNA molecules or genomic DNA. In the presence of a chaotropic salt, and various ethanol concentrations in the solvent, RNA molecules (of various sizes) are selectively bound to the glass fiber matrix.


• Format : spin column (centrifuge)

• Yield : Up to 20 µg


500 µl Whole Blood, 106 Cultured Cells, 108 Bacteria (Gram +/-), 5x106 fungus cells, 10 mg Tissue


Northern blot analysis, quantitative, real-time RT-PCR, microarray analysis.

Viral Nucleic Acid Extraction Kit 2.0

FYG404-050 (50 preps)

VN Buffer 30 ml
VP Buffer 12 ml
Carrier RNA 1 mg
Wash Buffer 25 ml
RNase free water 10 ml
VS Column (Yellow Ring) 50 pcs

FYG404-300 (300 preps)

VN Buffer 180 ml
VP Buffer 65 ml
Carrier RNA 6 mg
Wash Buffer 25 ml x3
RNase free water 30 ml
VS Column (Yellow Ring) 300 pcs


Viral Nucleic Acid Extraction Kit 2.0 is specially designed for purification of viral RNA or DNA from cell-free samples. With the extraction method included, DNA/ RNA viruses are lysed quickly and efficiently by the lysis buffer which is a highly concentrated solution of a chaotropic salt. The lysis buffer and ethanol create appropriate conditions for the binding of nucleic acids to the glass fiber matrix of the blood viral DNA/RNA binding column. Contaminations like salts, metabolites and soluble macromolecular cellular components are removed in the wash steps. The nucleic acids can be eluted in low salt buffer or water and are ready-to-use in subsequent reactions.


• Format : spin column (centrifuge)

• Yield : Up to 20 µg


serum, plasma, cell-culture supernatants, other cell-free body fluids.


RT-PCR, PCR, Real-time PCR, Automated fluorescent DNA sequencing, Enzymatic reactions.



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CALIXARCalzymeCancerToolsCandorCarbon SolutionCell Science & Technology Institute Inc. (CSTI)Clemente AssociatesConju-Probe PEGContecCyclodexCymss-BioCytomarkElastin ProductsEmbrient IncenuvioEnzymaxepithelixEthos BiosciencesEurofins CALIXAR EvrogenFD NeuroTechnologiesFortiusbioGenovisGoryo ChemicalHeidelberg BiolabsHisto-Chem IncHVMHypermolHyServeIBT BIOSERVICESiduronIMIIngenetixInnovotechInspiralisIZONJPTKalen BiomedicalKingbiomedLabnextLabor Veritas/ASBCLaserBio Labs MALDI-TOFLDNLectenz® BioLifeCanvas TechnologiesLifelineLucernaLumafluor


Mab TechnologiesMATRIKS BIOTEKMedical research council(MRC)MegazymeMicrobixMicroFITMinervaBioMinerva BiolabsMontana molecularNepageneNidaconNippin-incNVIGENOasis Diagnostics® CorporationOcujectOncoImmunin Peptides & elephantsPEPTIDISC LABPharmacosmosPhos-tagPneulineProbetexProdo LabsProkazymePromegaProtiFiRepligenRegis TechnologiesRoboscreenrPeptide4rtilabSANPLATECSCHOTTSERION ImmunologicsSpherefluidicsSSI AntibodiesStaclearSTEMCELLStemRDSuSoSTerrace BiotechTransnetyx TissueTribioScienceTOKAI HITTymoraVitaCyteWorthingtonWakoXantecXQ InstrumentsYeastern


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