【Megazyme】Malt Amylase and Limit-Dextrinase/Pullulanase
Malt Amylase
Megazyme’s malt amylase preparations contain ultra-pure enzymes at standard concentrations.
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Measurement of Malt Amylase Activity
Malt amylase activity can be measured in a single kit, incorporating our novel ‘Ceralpha’ and ‘Betamyl-3’ methods.
The most ‘specialised’ of the main starch hydrolases, limit-dextrinase is the only starch-degrading enzyme capable of cutting the branch points in amylopectin molecules. Branched maltodextrins cannot be fully hydrolysed by the other starchdegrading enzymes.
The activity of limit-dextrinase converts amylopectin chains into shorter, unbranched maltodextrins that can be further degraded by a-amylase and b-amylase, i.e. into fermentable sugars.
A further starch hydrolase called pullulanase has a similar pattern of activity to limit-dextrinase. This is an exogenous enzyme used to promote fermentability. Pullulanase is of particular interest to brewers producing ‘light’ beers with a lower calorific content.
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Measurement of Limit-Dextrinase/Pullulanase Activity
Limit-dextrinase is mainly produced during malting, albeit in much smaller quantities than a-amylase or b-amylase. Like b-amylase, limit-dextrinase is relatively heat-sensitive: ~ 40% of limit-dextrinases remains in mash after 60 minutes.
Measurement of limit-dextrinase is of importance to brewers and distillers because careful control of limit-dextrinase (in particular among the starch hydrolases) is needed to ensure satisfactory wort fermentability. This is especially true for brewers using certain cereal adjuncts, e.g. rice in Asian beers.
Product Code |
K-PullG6 |
T-LDZ-200T |
Amyloglucosidase is commonly added as an exogenous enzyme by brewers manufacturing low-calorie beers. See the Megazyme website for full details on our range of ultra-pure and analytical grade amyloglucosidases.
Product Code |
Product Name |
Pack Size |
Amyloglucosidase (Rhizopus sp.) |
5,000 U |
Amyloglucosidase (Aspergillus niger) |
130,400 U |
326,000 U |
Amyloglucosidase for use with ANKOM™ Dietary Fiber Analyzer |
326,000 U |
Amyloglucosidase (Aspergillus niger) Powder - 4g |
144,000 U |
Amyloglucosidase (Aspergillus niger) Glycerol Free |
130,400 U |
Measurement of Amyloglucosidase Activity
Product Code |
Product Name |
Pack Size |
Amyloglucosidase Assay Reagent |
200 assays |