bioline 品牌介绍
默里迪恩生物科学公司是一家综合性的生命科学公司,开发、制造、销售和销售各种创新诊断产品。我们致力于开发和提供更好的解决方案,以快速、准确和简单的方式给出答案,重新定义生命从发现到诊断的可能性。我们的分子试剂被生物学家和其他研究科学家用于从医学、生物技术和海洋生物学到食品和农业技术以及法医和环境科学等许多领域的测试分析和研究。生命科学家已经开始依赖于我们的试剂的卓越质量和可靠性。我们已经开发和生产了300多种试剂和试剂盒,其中许多是专利产品,用于分子生物学、细胞分析和核酸和蛋白质的分离和纯化。Meridian是一家通过ISO 13485认证的公司,也是世界上为数不多的超纯dntp,以及各种酶和生物化学品的制造商之一。
Meridian Bioscience is a fully integrated life science company that develops, manufactures, markets and distributes a broad range of innovative diagnostic products. We are dedicated to developing and delivering better solutions that give answers with speed, accuracy and simplicity that are redefining the possibilities of life from discovery to diagnosis. Our molecular reagents are used by biologists and other research scientists to perform test-assays and research in many fields from medical, biotechnology and marine biology to food and agriculture technology as well as forensic and environmental sciences, where life scientists have come to depend upon the outstanding quality and reliability of our reagents. We have developed and manufactured a portfolio of more than 300 reagents and kits, many of them proprietary, for molecular biology, cell analysis and nucleic acid and protein separation and purification. Meridian is an ISO 13485 certified company and one of the world’s few manufacturers of ultra-pure dNTPs, as well as a variety of enzymes and biochemicals.
main products
Quantitative PCR
End-Point PCR
Molecular Biology Reagents
Next Generation Sequencing
Sample Preparation