arcbio 品牌介绍
arc Bio通过开发新的宏基因组新一代测序(mNGS)解决方案,允许快速、准确和低成本的分析,革命性的微生物检测。Arc Bio Galileo™平台能够在不到30小时的时间内准确识别初级样品中的几乎所有微生物。 arc Bio is revolutionizing microbial detection by developing novel metagenomic Next-Generation Sequencing (mNGS) solutions that allow for fast, accurate and cost-effective analyses. The Arc Bio Galileo™ platform enables accurate identification of virtually all microbes present in a primary sample in less than 30 hours. main products DNA & RNA workflows optimized for clinical metagenomics applications Extensive expertise in metagenomics and informatics analysis Custom internal and external controls Quantitative reporting of microbial signals RUO Applications Lab for testing and development Bespoke workflows developed and biomarkers identified
Arc Bio是EdenRoc Sciences公司,在马萨诸塞州的剑桥设有办公室,在旧金山湾区设有研发实验室。
Arc Bio is an EdenRoc Sciences Company, with offices in Cambridge, Massachusetts and R&D labs in the Bay Area.