Antibodies Inc 品牌介绍
五十多年来,抗体公司的人们一直致力于支持世界各地的科学家们改善生活的突破性工作。我们通过广泛的经过验证的神经科学抗体目录和一套由严格和长期建立的质量管理体系管理的服务来完成我们的使命——我们在美国加利福尼亚州戴维斯市做所有这些工作。 For over fifty years, the people of Antibodies Incorporated have dedicated themselves to supporting the life-enhancing, breakthrough work of scientists everywhere. We fulfill our mission with an extensive catalog of validated neuroscience antibodies and a suite of services governed by a stringent and long-established Quality Management System -- and we do it all in Davis, California, USA. main products Type Primary Antibody 550 Normal Sera 40 Secondary Antibody 38 In-Vitro Diagnostic Kit 15 Blocking Reagent 1 Immunoprecipitation Reagent 1 Brand NeuroMab 470 Antibodies Incorporated 83 Aves Labs 64 PhosphoSolutions 30