alconox 品牌介绍
Alconox清洁剂满足多个行业使用,包括制药、电子、精密制造、金属加工、食品和乳制品、保健、生物科技、医用设备制造、实验室、环保、核工业、光学、化妆品、筛检程式及纹身。ALCONOX清洁剂在各种清洗工作中都可以使用,例如在医疗中心、制药工厂、实验室、电子仪器和精密的机器制造等。 In 1946 Louis Zisman and William Lebowitz combined their respective talents by forming Alconox Inc. to manufacture and distribute Alconox® detergent. Mr. Zisman had discovered that a wetting agent he developed excelled at cleaning glassware without leaving a residue. Mr. Lebowitz owned Standard Scientific Supply Corporation which was a distributor of products focused on the laboratory market. main products Alconox Liquinox Detonox Solujet Luminox Alcojet Tergazyme Citrajet Keylajet
Alconox 主要由线性烷芳基磺酸钠、醇硫酸盐、磷酸盐和碳酸盐的均匀混合物组成。Alconox 在本质上是阴离子清洗剂
Alconox精密粉状清洗剂、Liqui-Nox液体清洗剂、Citranox酸性清洗剂、Alcojet低泡沫粉状清洗剂、Citrajet低泡沫酸性清洗剂、Detergent 8低泡沫无磷清洗剂、Det-O-JET低泡沫液体清洁剂、Luminox低泡沫中性清洗剂、TERG-A-ZYME酶活性粉状清洗剂、ALCOTABS必须的清洁药品等
Since that time, Alconox Inc. has been the recognized leader in laboratory detergents, used extensively in the pharmaceutical, biotech, medical device, healthcare, electronics, and the cosmetics industries as well as solar, food, nuclear and optics industries. Our products can now be found in over 50 countries world-wide.
Alconox Inc. has remained in control of the founding families for over 70 years, and the third generation of those founders operate the business today