Agrisera 品牌介绍
公司于1980年在瑞典成立,公司一直致力于发展科学研究所需的蛋白抗体研发与销售,产品主要有:多种植物蛋白酶抗体,呼吸作用(线粒体)相关蛋白的多克隆抗体,以及其它一些较为稀有的蛋白抗体。 Agrisera is a Swedish company specializing in polyclonal and monoclonal antibody production, offering an extensive collection of primary antibodies and over 2000 secondary antibodies for various applications and in various quantities, all available online. Over 30 years in the antibody business have taught us a lot and we are proud to say there are few problems we cannot help you to solve. Our experienced scientific staff are on hand to answer all your queries promptly.
main products
Antibodies for Plant
AlgalAntibodies for Human
AnimalAntibodies, Bacterial
FungalDetection ReagentsNew ProductsTag AntibodiesSecondary AntibodiesProduct References