agdia 品牌介绍
自1981年以来,Agdia一直是植物病原体诊断的领先供应商。今天,我们提供全世界最全面、最值得信赖的植物病原体和转基因检测解决方案。 Agdia has been a leading provider of plant pathogen diagnostics since 1981. Today we offer the most comprehensive and trusted portfolio of plant pathogen and GMO testing solutions around the world. We offer a wide range of testing technologies, products and services that are aimed at providing our clients with the confidence they need to make more educated and informed plant health management decisions. These technologies include, but are not limited to: ELISA ImmunoStrip AmplifyRP isothermal amplification Conventional and real-time PCR Nucleic Acid Hybridization Immunoblot ImmunoPrint Immunofluorescence We also have a Testing Services laboratory that can test your samples for you using one or more of the testing methods mentioned above, depending on the pathogen targeted. Our diagnostic permits allow us to receive and test plants from all over the world.
main products
AmplifyRP® Isothermal Amplification
GMO / Trait Tests
Insect Diagnostics
Pathogen Tests
Plant Hormones & Proteins
Test Kits by Crop