accustandard 品牌介绍

accustandard 品牌介绍



作为分析行业领军者,AccuStandard是唯一经过NIST(美国国家标准与技术研究所)、NALAP(美国国家实验室自愿认可程序)、EPA(美国环境保护署)三方认证的供应商,同时通过ISO 9001 & 17025质量管理体系认证,可为EPA、ASTM(美国材料与试验协会)、NIST生产各类标样。AccuStandard产品热销全球108个国家,产品线包括11,000多种的标准物质,22,000种特殊订制的标准物质,涉及农药、石化、环境、食品、无机和烟草等检测领域。AccuStandard已拥有数条明星产品线:209种多氯联苯(PCB),超过180种的多溴联苯醚(PBDEs)以及卤代二恶英和二苯并呋喃等,显示出AccuStandard超强的有机合成实力。AccuStandard产品包装规格齐全,有经济环保的1ml液标及10mg、500mg纯品,并可根据用户需求配置不同组分及不同等级的标样(定制服务),能满足各类型实验要求。

Founded in 1986, AccuStandard is a leading manufacturer of Certified Reference Materials (CRMs). The company started in a business incubator co-sponsored by Yale University and The City of New Haven at the former site of Olin Chemical Company in New Haven, Connecticut, USA. Outgrowing that facility, the company moved across town in 1998 into a fully modernized facility of 37,000 square feet of laboratories, office and storage space. AccuStandard offers a comprehensive selection of organic, inorganic and petroleum reference standards for chemical analysis, serving a global market.

AccuStandard ships products to over 130 countries and maintains a distributor network in 85 of those countries. Since AccuStandard’s inception the product line has grown to include over 12,000 Reference Standard products and twice that number of special formulations which have been developed for specific customer needs. Standards include those for EPA Methods, Pesticide Residue Screening, Flame Retardants, Biofuels, Plastic Additives, Dyes, Explosives, UOP and ASTM Methods and up-graded products for PIANO and Physical Property analyses.

The Company is renowned for its recognition and speedy introduction of standards to the market place. The Company’s unparalleled Synthesis Department provides important and unique products and product lines, including synthesis of all 209 PCB and PBDE congeners, as well as many halogenated dioxins and dibenzofurans, PAHs and pesticides.

main products

Standards for Flame Retardant Testing

Standards for Cannabis Testing

Per- & Polyfluoroalkyl Substances (PFASs)

Electronic Cigarette Standards

Physical Standards for ASTM Methods






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