从高质量、可靠的供体开始,我们制造符合您要求的细胞,减少临床反应的变化,增加您试验成功的可能性。相信Excellos作为您的细胞治疗CDMO,支持您的各种细胞治疗项目,包括:TIL治疗、自体和异体CAR-T/NK治疗和TCR治疗。我们的Excellos 360平台,超越一般的细胞和供体筛选,可获得每个供体的全面免疫概况,并评估其细胞的代谢和效应潜力。
Starting with highly qualified, reliable donors we manufacture cells characterized to your requirements, reducing variabilities in clinical responses, and increasing your probability of success in your trial. Trust Excellos as your cell therapy CDMO to support your programs in adoptive cell therapies including: TIL Therapy, Autologous and Allogeneic CAR-T/NK Therapies, and TCR Therapy. Go beyond typical cell and donor screening with the Excellos 360 platform to get a comprehensive immune profile for each donor with an assessment of the metabolic and effector potential of their cells.
Main product
Cord Blood Unit
Isolated Cells from Cord Blood
Isolated Cells from Peripheral Blood
LRS Chambers