Caisson Labs成立于2000年,致力于生物技术和生命科学等行业领域,专注于植物生物学技术研究,以满足全球不断增长的食品,能源、医药日益增长的需求和发展。目前Caisson Labs制造和提供的产品主要有动物细胞培养产品(包括细胞培养基、FBS、缓冲溶液、抗菌剂和其他试剂)和植物生物学产品(包括植物组织培养基、凝胶系列产品、植物生长调节剂、抗生素&抗菌剂、生化试剂以及植物组培容器和耗材)。
Founded in 2000, Caisson Labs is dedicated to biotechnology and life science industry areas, focusing on plant biology technology research to meet the growing demand and development of food, energy, and medicine worldwide. Currently, Caisson Labs manufactures and supplies animal cell culture products (including cell culture media, FBS, buffer solutions, antimicrobials and other reagents) and plant biology products (including plant tissue culture media, gel series products, plant growth regulators, antibiotics & antimicrobials, biochemical reagents, and plant tissue culture containers and consumables).
Main product
Animal Cell Culture
Plant Biology
Gelling Agents
Biochemicals / Reagents
Molecular Biology / Microbiology