Sino BioToo品牌介绍
Sino BioToo成立于2018年,是丹麦Chemometec中国区办事处。我们专注于基因与细胞治疗领域、生物药
(抗体及生物大分子) 方向、疫苗及生物制品生产,为用户提供优质产品及服务,降本增效。公司在仪器行业发展多年,已拥有丰富的细胞处理产品线,涵盖细胞计数,细胞转染,细胞复苏,细胞冻存,细胞清洗等产品。
Founded in 2018, Sino
BioTool Shanghai is the China office of Chemometec in Denmark. We focus on the
field of gene and cell therapy, biological drugs (antibodies and biological
macromolecules) direction, vaccines and biological products production, to provide
users with quality products and services, reduce costs and increase efficiency.
The company has developed in the instrument industry for many years, and has a
rich product line of cell treatment, covering cell counting, cell transfection,
cell resuscitate, cell cryopreservation, cell cleaning and other products.
Main product
NC-3000 image Flow Cytometry
Analyzer Intelligent Cell Technology Instrument
NC-250 Cell Viability Analyzer
NC-3000 Image Flow Cytometry
Celetrix Electroscope