BUCHI 是一家世界领先的实验室仪器供应商,为各个不同的行业提供研发、质量保证和生产解决方案。 BUCHI经过80多年的发展,现已发展成为一家全球规模的玻璃制品、机械电子学和技术企业,为客户提供全自动化实验室技术解决方案、专有软件和应用专业知识。 我们王牌产品有Pure 色谱纯化系统、小型喷雾干燥仪器等。
BUCHI is one of the world's leading suppliers of laboratory instruments, providing R&D, quality assurance and production solutions for a wide range of industries. After more than 80 years of development, BUCHI has grown into a global scale glassware, mechatronic and technology business, providing customers with fully automated laboratory technology solutions, proprietary software and application expertise. Our flagship products Pure chromatography purification system, small spray drying equipment, etc.
Main product
Biochemical Instrument
Accessories and Consumables