自2011年以来,Bioenno Lifesciences一直在为医学界提供业界领先的神经科学研究医疗套件,并积极开发新技术。Bioenno为医学界提供尖端的生物医学产品和技术,包括:神经科学研究套件;纳米技术/生物传感器和手持式,低成本的体外诊断设备(IVD),可快速检测人体血液、呼吸、唾液、汗液和尿液中的生物标志物,将为患者带来普遍的医院级诊断能力和紧急护理设备。
Since 2011, Bioenno Lifesciences have been providing the medical community with industry-leading medical kits for neuroscience research and also have been aggressively developing new technologies. Bioenno Lifesciences looks forward to providing the medical community with cutting-edge biomedical products and technologies that cover:Kits for neuroscience research,Nanotechnology/biosensor based, hand-held, low-cost in vitro diagnostic devices (IVD) to rapidly detect biomarkers in human blood, breath, saliva, sweat, and urine that would bring universal hospital-grade diagnostic capabilities and emergency-care equipment to patients.
Main product
Kits for neuroscience research
Nanotechnology/biosensor based, hand-held, low-cost in vitro diagnostic devices