Antibody Systems品牌介绍
Antibody Systems(ASI)是研究和制造诊断和治疗生物材料的主要生产商。这些产品可供国内和国际公司使用。它们主要被制药公司用于开发新药和生产诊断测试试剂盒。我们的医生和免疫学家在制定疫苗、高免疫血浆、干扰素和其他免疫学临床试验方案方面拥有丰富的经验。ASI专门在世界范围内检索稀有和不寻常的生物制品,并在此类制品采购方面拥有丰富的经验。
Antibody Systems, Inc. (ASI) is a major producer of diagnostic and therapeutic biological materials for research and manufacturing applications.These products are available for both national and international corporations. They are used primarily by pharmaceutical companies for the development of new drugs and diagnostic test kits. Our physicians and Immunologists have extensive experience in developing protocols for Vaccine, Hyperimmune Plasma, Interferon and other immunological clinical trials. ASI specializes in retrieving rare and unusual biological products throughout the world, and has vast experience in a wide range of such procurements.
Main product
Zika Reasearch Samples
Human Bulk Serum and Plasma
Human Tissue Research Sample
Chagas Negative Plasma
Anti-Malaria/anti-plasmodium falciparum Anti-Malaria/anti-plasmodium vivax Rheumatoid Factor