Hartmann Analytic品牌介绍
Hartmann Analytic是欧洲市场放射元素研究领域的佼佼者。我们生产32P 或33P 标记的脱氧核苷酸和核苷酸(dNTP、NTP)以及35S 标记氨基酸。在我的实验室中,专门从事单磷酸和二磷酸核苷酸及其类似物的标记、以及多肽类标记。我们提供一站式服务,从我们自己的生产中获取超过10000种放射性标记化合物。我们在特殊合成3H、14C 小分子和125I 肽/蛋白质方面有丰富的经验。通过与我们的合作伙伴的网络合作,我们很自豪能够让我们的客户获得世界上最有经验的放射化学家的联合专业知识。
Hartmann Analytic has become Europe’s market leader for radiolabelled research compounds. We produce 32P or 33P labelled deoxy-, and ribo-nucleotides (dNTPs, NTPs) as well as 35S labelled amino acids in our own laboratories and specialise in the labelling of mono- and diphosphate nucleotides and their analogues. We provide one-stop access to well over 10 000 radiolabelled compounds. we have built an in-depth expertise for custom special synthesis of 3H, 14C small molecules and 125I peptides/proteins. In collaboration with our network of partner laboratories, we are proud to give our customers access to the joint expertise of the world’s most experienced radiochemists.
Main product
3H, 14C, 125I labelling
Primary isotopes
Labeling of oligonucleotides
Special Syntheses