Omixon是一家全球性的移植诊断公司,其使命是为组织相容性实验室提供创新技术,以改善移植结果。基于生物信息学、软件工程、分子生物学和调控科学的多学科能力,Omixon将分子生物学的创新转化为移植诊断领域最先进的产品。2014年,Omixon推出了Holotype HLA,推出了基于NGS的HLA分型试剂盒和软件。Omixon是第一个发布高分辨率HLA基因分型产品NanoTYPE HLA™的公司。
Omixon is a global transplantation diagnostic company with a mission to provide histocompatibility laboratories with innovative technologies to improve transplant outcomes. Building on multidisciplinary competences in bioinformatics, software engineering, molecular biology and regulatory science, Omixon transforms molecular biology innovations into state-of-the-art products in transplant diagnostics. Omixon was the first to successfully introduce NGS-based HLA typing kit and software in 2014 by bringing Holotype HLA. Omixon was the first to release a high-resolution HLA genotyping product NanoTYPE HLA™.