自 1956 年以来,我们一直在生产正排量泵,并为一系列行业提供工程支持。公司初创于白金汉郡的马洛,发明家 Bernard Refson 在那里研发出了第一台技术上、商业上可行的蠕动泵,供实验室外使用。
1969 年,我们将总部搬到了康沃尔郡的法尔茅斯。此后,公司逐步发展壮大,为全球 60 多个市场提供服务。公司由 10 个领先品牌组成,每个品牌都是小型流体传输技术的专家。1990 年,我们成为富时 100 指数公司 Spirax Sarco Engineering plc 的子公司。作为 SSE 的子公司,我们的共同目标是营造一个更高效、更安全和可持续的环境,为所有利益相关者创造可持续的价值。
Since 1956, we have been making some of the most innovative fluid management solutions in the world. Thousands of companies employ our technologies to manage processes and manufacture products that touch the lives of people every day.
We have helped thousands of process and maintenance engineers on every continent to solve their fluid management challenges. When you work with us, we supply more than our proven technologies. We partner with you and provide access to a global network of specialist industrial engineers.
Main product
Pumps - panel mount pumps
Tubing - peristaltic