virusys 品牌介绍
Virusys Corporation的HSV-1 qPCR 20x探针混合物是通过定量PCR测量HSV-1相对数量或总拷贝数的可靠探针。该探针由正向和反向引物与FAM/BHQ标记的HSV-1糖蛋白D(gD)特异性探针组合而成。该双标记探针配有浓度为20倍的PCR引物,可与标准实时PCR试剂一起使用。
Virusys Corporation’s HSV-1 qPCR 20x probe mix is a reliable probe for measuring relative amounts or total copy numbers of HSV-1 by quantitative PCR. The probe consists of forward and reverse primers combined with a FAM/BHQ-labeled probe specific for glycoprotein D (gD) of HSV-1. This dual-labeled probe is supplied with PCR primers at 20x concentration and may be used with standard real-time PCR reagents.
CMV CTFor absolute copy number calculations, a tube of standards is also included containing the target sequence at 1012 copies per ml. These standards produce linear results at dilutions of 108 to 102 copies per reaction.
Main product
Pathogenic Bacteria
Assays & Reagents