200 多年来,USP 一直致力于在最重要的领域建立信任:在全球药品、膳食补充剂和食品领域。通过我们制定的严格科学和公共质量标准,USP 帮助保护患者安全并改善世界各地人们的健康。
USP 是一个独立的、科学的非营利组织,专注于建立对安全、优质药品供应的信任。我们正在努力加强全球供应链,以便人们依赖于健康的药物在需要时可用并按预期工作。
For over 200 years, USP has worked to build trust where it matters most: in the world's medicines, dietary supplements and foods. Through our rigorous science and the public quality standards we set, USP helps protect patient safety and improve the health of people around the world.
USP is an independent, scientific nonprofit organization focused on building trust in the supply of safe, quality medicines. We are working to strengthen the global supply chain so that the medicines people rely on for health are available when needed and work as expected.
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