Telstar 是 azbil 集团的一部分,在为生命与健康科学(制药和生物技术)相关公司开发工程和建设项目、工艺设备和 GMP 服务解决方案(包括交钥匙项目和关键装置)方面拥有悠久的记录和经验、医疗保健、化妆品、兽医和食品饮料行业、医院、实验室和研究中心)。在 Telstar 品牌下,该公司还为电力和航空航天领域的传统工业和高科技工业以及重大科学实验提供真空和高真空技术解决方案。
在为科学和航空航天部门以及生命科学行业开发高度复杂的项目方面拥有超过 50 年的经验,从集成工艺设备到具有全球视野和全资专业知识的关键设施的工程和建设。
Telstar 已成为制药及相关行业、实验室、研究中心和一般行业的领先技术合作伙伴之一。该公司被公认为有能力使用内部技术提供集成工艺解决方案的主要国际制造商之一,它还巩固了其作为关键的一站式解决方案提供商的角色,开发了高性能和高效的综合产品组合。用于无菌制造和研究过程的集成系统。
Telstar, part of the azbil Group, has a long track record and experience in the development of engineering & construction projects, process equipment and GMP services solutions, including turnkey projects and critical installations, for companies associated with Life & Health Sciences (pharmaceutical & biotechnology, healthcare, cosmetic, veterinary and food & beverage industries, hospitals, laboratories & research centers). Under the Telstar brand, the company also offers solutions for Vacuum and High-Vacuum technologies for conventional industry and high-tech industry in the power and aerospace sectors, as well as for major scientific experiments.
More than 50 years of experience in the development of highly complex projects for the scientific & aerospace sectors and life science industries, from integrated process equipment to engineering & construction of critical facilities with global vision and fully-owned expertise.
Main product
Pharma Equipment
Laboratory Equipment
Vacuum Equipment