spirochrome 品牌介绍
我们公司的使命是为科学界提供满足这些标准的荧光探针。基于在Nature Chemistry和Nature Methods上发表的两篇具有里程碑意义的论文中介绍的一类新荧光团,我们开发了一系列试剂和探针,包括SiR-DNA、SiR-actin和SiR-tubulin,可在活细胞中成像具有前所未有的分辨率和低背景。
Imaging of biological structures in living cells without transfections, without phototoxicity, without tedious washing protocols and without unspecific background staining?
The mission of our company is to provide the scientific community with fluorescent probes that fulfill these criteria. Based on a new class of fluorophores introduced in two landmark papers published in Nature Chemistry and Nature Methods, we have developed a whole range of reagents and probes, including SiR-DNA, SiR-actin and SiR-tubulin, that allow imaging in living cells with unprecedented resolution and low background.
We will continue to develop innovative tools that will advance your research.
Main product
Membrane tension probes
Benzylguanine Substrates
Cytoskeleton kit
SiR Fluorophore & Reagents