Salimetrics是一家美国食品药品监督管理局注册的公司,通过ISO 13485:2016认证。
As a leader in standardizing saliva bioscience testing methods, Salimetrics enables researchers to deliver the best results and drive research forward.
Salimetrics is a U.S. Food and Drug Administration-registered company certified to ISO 13485:2016.
We are family owned and operated, and have been since the beginning. In addition to our families, Salimetrics' team includes caregivers from diverse backgrounds, from PHDS and biotechnologists to Mbas and CPAs, from academia and industry, who work individually and together to make us a better partner in the salivary biosciences field. Today, Salimetrics offers more than 20 high-quality, dedicated saliva test kits and saliva laboratory services to researchers and clinical laboratories around the world
main products
Saliva Collection Methods
Saliva Lab Services
Salivary Assay Kits