Quadratech Diagnostics Ltd拥有30多年的贸易经验,一直致力于提供最优质、最先进的医疗诊断和研究产品。自1990年成立以来,我们已经扩展到以下主要领域:止血、RUO细菌毒素、快速和POC检测、寄生虫学和兽医学。
Quadratech Diagnostics Ltd是生物医学科学家研究所(IBM)的企业成员,也是英国止血和血栓学会(BSHT)的支持者。我们是英国国家卫生服务局(NHS)、爱尔兰卫生服务执行局(HSE)、私人实验室、英国制药行业和大学研究团体的公认供应商。
With over 30 years of trading experience, Quadratech Diagnostics Ltd has always been and remains committed to providing the highest quality state-of-the-art medical diagnostic and research products. Since the company was founded in 1990, we have expanded to encompass the following main areas: Haemostasis, Bacterial Toxins for RUO, Rapid & POC Tests, Parasitology and Veterinary.
Quadratech Diagnostics Ltd is a corporate member of the Institute of Biomedical Scientists (IBMS) and supporter of the British Society for Haemostasis and Thrombosis (BSHT). We are a recognised supplier to the UK National Health Service (NHS), the Irish Health Service Executive (HSE), private laboratories, the UK pharmaceutical industry, and university research groups.
main products
Bacterial Toxins for RUO
Rapid and POC Tests
Anthrax Toxins
Antisera And Antibodies
Botulinum Toxins
C. Difficile Toxins
Cholera Toxins
Clostridial Toxins, Other
Diphtheria Toxin And CRM
Exotoxin A
Fret Peptides, Native Substrates And Receptors
Lipopolysaccharides (Lps) And Related Products
Pasteurella Multocida Toxin
Pertussis Toxins And Virulence Factors
Shiga Toxins
Staphylococcal Toxins
Tetanus Toxin And Related Products