Sample6 DETECT HT系统和DETECT HT病原体检测系列为您的实验室提供全面且易于使用的解决方案。用更少的资源获得更多的实验室空间。
竞争激烈的系统迫使您在通宵测试和经济解决方案之间做出选择。使用DETECT HT系统,您可以同时拥有两者。我们的测试是为一夜之间的结果而设计的,价格具有竞争力,提供最经济的解决方案。
The Sample6 DETECT HT system and the DETECT HT family of pathogen assays offer a comprehensive and easy-to use solution for your laboratory. Get more out your laboratory space with fewer resources.
Competitive systems force you to choose between an overnight test and economical solution. With the DETECT HT system you can have both. Our test is designed for overnight results, priced competitively with the most economical solutions available.
Main product
• Simple operation – Intuitive software
• Easy to use – Single transfer (sponge bag to assay
plate); option for set-it-and-forget-it
operation for up
to 96 samples in 2 hours
• Small footprint – 16” x 16”
• Flexible scalability – can do up to 1,000 samples in
3 hours
• Cost efficient – Lowest Total Cost of Ownership on
the market with competitively priced