北京博尔迈生物技术有限公司(MBL Beijing Biotech Co.,Ltd. 以下简称 MBL 北京)成立于 2005 年,是日本 JSR 集团旗下日本MBL公司在中国的全资子公司。作为日本 JSR 和日本 MBL 在中国的贸易窗口,MBL 北京基于日本总公司强有力的研发、生产能力及技术团队支持,为您提供 MHC 四聚体,3D 细胞培养,流式抗体,基因编辑等科研用试剂。同时 MBL 北京已与多家海外公司建立战略合作伙伴关系,引进世界优质原料,致力于打造综合性的体外诊断原料平台,针对 IVD 行业提供完整的项目解决方案。
MBL began its history as the first Japanese company specializing in the production and supply of antibodies and celebrated its 50th anniversary in August 2019. In the 1970s, for the first time in Japan, we began to develop autoimmune disease reagents and succeeded in launching a series of autoantibody reagents. Currently, these reagent products are our main-stream business. In the 1980s, we expanded business into the field of laboratory research reagents and launched many original products such as antiserum and monoclonal antibodies, IL-18 products, and MHC tetramers. Starting in the 2000s, we began to promote sales of molecular diagnostic reagents, and this business has grown to become our second largest sector. Then we have begun contract R&D services for developing companion diagnostics from last year. We expanded business operations into China in 2005. Since then, revenue has been steadily increasing not only for laboratory research reagents but also for raw materials and intermediates of diagnostic reagents. China is now one of the most important market for the company. We are committed to providing a range of cutting-edge products and services that will benefit society.
Main product
Epitope tags
MHC tetramer
Fluorescent proteins
Control antibodies
Cell culture reagents
Flow cytometry reagents
2nd antibodies
Latex particles
Magnetic particles