Maxim Biomedical成立于2005年,是一家致力于开发对公共健康产生积极影响的高质量体外诊断(IVD)和现场护理(POC)测试解决方案的专业公司。 我们的总部位于世界顶级科学地区之一,距国家首都仅几步之遥。 无论是通过MaximBio自己的诊断测试产品线还是与我们的客户合作,我们都自豪地站在创新的前沿,为全球医疗保健的发展做出贡献。
Founded in 2005, Maxim Biomedical (MaximBio) is a leading diagnostic healthcare company enhancing global health through the development and manufacture of trusted diagnostic solutions. Our mission is to create diagnostic products that are affordable, accessible, and enable actionable testing to improve patient outcomes. Our technologies enable many of today's leading diagnostic tests and we are proud to be at the frontline of diagnostic innovation to help advance the quality of healthcare.
Main product
HIV-1 Limiting Antigen (LAg) Avidity EIA
HIV-1 Limiting Antigen (LAg) Avidity DBS
Swift HIV Recent Infection Assay
Swift HIV Recent Infection Assay Control
HIV-1 Urine Enzyme Immunoassay (EIA)
HIV-1 Urine Western Blot