Mabtech公司成立于1986年,最初源自瑞典斯德哥尔摩大学免疫学系,目前已成为ELISpot和T细胞检测技术的全 球领先者。ELISPO是当今最灵敏和最简便的特异性T细胞应答分析技术之一,是探讨感染、癌症、过敏和自身免疫性疾病等诸多病症中T细胞功能最为理想的 研究手段。因其具有结果直观和适于高通量检测等优点,业已成为新疫苗实验研究和临床评价的标准方法。作为ELISpot产品的补充,Mabtech公司推出了一系列即用型细胞因子ELISA试剂盒,可以方便、准确地检测血清和血浆等多种样品中的细胞因子水平。Mabtech公司以卓尔不群的创新能力和稳定可靠的产品质量,不断开发出适应前沿科学研究和临床大规模筛选需求的优质产品。Mabtech公司依靠一支 精干和敬业的团队,为用户提供最好的产品和最佳的技术服务。除位于斯德哥尔摩的公司总部和研究实验室。
abtech is a Swedish biotech company that was founded in 1986 by three scientists at the Department of Immunology, Stockholm University. Today we are a considerably larger but still dedicated team that shares an enthusiasm for biomedical research and science, particularly in the field of immunology. Our mission is to assist other researchers with high-quality, dependable research tools and expert technical support.
We develop and produce a wide range of monoclonal antibodies to cytokines, immunoglobulins and apolipoproteins for in vitro applications in life science research. Researchers around the world use our products to capture, detect and discover analytes with precision and accuracy. At Mabtech, we are passionate about advancing biomedical research by streamlining the discovery process, and our products are frequently found in high impact publications.
We are proud to be one of few companies focusing entirely on monoclonal antibodies for ELISpot, FluoroSpot and ELISA. This position has been established through comprehensive experience and understanding of all stages of monoclonal antibody development and production. We carefully characterize our monoclonal antibodies and use this information to configure optimal antibody pairs. To always ensure best results in the lab, we have extensive and stringent quality control and validation processes to confirm the stability, activity and performance of our products.
Our kits are used to study immune responses in e.g. infectious disease, cancer, allergy, transplantation and are commonly used as monitoring tools in vaccine trials. In addition, we produce kits for veterinary and cardiovascular research.
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